Remember Me?
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
This is the hardest sweater I've knit thus far. And also the best fitting, although it is a little snug around the armpits. This sweater is from the Spring 2003 Interweave Knits and was designed by Leigh Radford. This was the first issue I ever bought and I was certain I'd never be able to knit anything in it, but I got it any way. The designs are intricate and interesting and the photography is beautiful. "Remembering Honey" immediately caught my eye. The color and the lace drew me in and I swore that I'd knit it some day. One day, soon after I learned to knit, I started it in some shit yarn I got at P&S. It wasn't working out, so I gave up.
But the sweater haunted me. Every time I flipped through that magazine, there was Honey, saying "Remember me!?" I wanted it. I later bought a cone of Crystal Palace Breeze, in Teal. And finally, when I was good and ready, I began. I think it came out pretty good. I still can't believe I knit it when I look at the lace on the sleeves and neck. Did I really do that? Pretty cool, eh?
posted at 11:50 PM .
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