My New Favorite Pattern
Saturday, June 24, 2006
I'm not big on making the same thing twice. In fact, the only things I've made more than once were basics, like scarves and hats and the little bags I knit on my machine for Christmas presents...oh and Lulu sweaters. Okay, so I've made many things more than once, but the point I was unsuccessfully trying to make here was about my new favorite pattern: The Exchange Bag from Stitch 'N Bitch Crochet: The Happy Hooker. I made one a few weeks ago and it's come in so handy on short walks with the dog that I made another. This time, though, I went a little color happy. I used dark brown and pink (a favorite color combination of mine) and came up with a flirty little bag for summer. I made the strap longer so I can comfortably wear it across my body. The brown and pink bag came out a little smaller than the previous bag -- I crocheted it tighter to compensate for the stretching the other bag encountered after a few uses. The new bag hasn't stretched out yet, but I'm sure it will. I screwed up the pattern a bit on the middle part of the bag, but only a crocheter who knew what the bag was supposed to look like would notice. I brought the bag out to my mom's house last weekend and she liked it so much I offered to make her one, as a belated Mother's Day present. You know it's a good pattern if I agree to make one for someone! I'm a notoriously selfish knitter (or crocheter, in this instance). I'm going to make it in basic black. Now I just have to haul my ass to P&S to get the crochet nylon.
posted at 10:46 AM .
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