What Rhymes with Amigurumi?
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
I'm a knitter. I like to knit. I like the way knitted fabric looks. It can be strong and stiff or silky and fluid. It can be striped, textured or lacy. Knitting comes naturally to me.
Crochet, however, doesn't. I don't know why, but I never really picked up on it. I get confused as to where I'm supposed to insert the hook. When you knit, you usually knit the next stitch on the left needle, when you crochet it's all up in the air. At least it seems like that to me. Besides, I don't really like the way crocheted fabric looks, other than lacy things or afghans. But then I started seeing these little crocheted dolls on the internet, they're called "amigurumi" which, I understand, means "crochet doll" (or something to that effect) in Japanese. I wanted to learn how to make one, so I pulled out the one crochet book I own and scrutinized the how-to diagrams, then scoured the internet for instructions on how to crochet a sphere. I then set about crocheting my very own amigurumi. After two days of painstaking hookwork, I ended up with a pink cat. It looks suspiciously like Katbot, without the antennae, of course. It's not perfect, and I can see about a hundred glaring mistakes, but I was pleased enough to embark on my next amigurumi, a chihuahua. Lulu can't wait to sink her pointy little teeth into it.
I also bought two amigurumi pattern booklets from Roxycraft. I haven't made any of them yet, but they're way cool. I especially like the Valentine's bunny.
The best thing about crocheting amigurumi: the only stitch I need to know is single crochet!
The other reason I want to learn how to crochet is because I saw a super cool shrug pattern in a new sewing magazine called "Cutting Edge". At first glance I thought it was knit, so I plunked down five bucks for the darn thing. Boy howdy was I mad when I realized it was crochet! Grrrr!!!
posted at 9:48 PM .
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