It Felt Wrong
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
I made a new bag this week but I don't like how it came out. I knit it sideways, so the stripes would be vertical, but when I ran it through the washer (twice) it came out with a flared top. I don't know what to do. I might bring it back down to the laundry room and wash it again tomorrow, that is, if I can muster my courage to dodge the roaches. I'm just kidding. While there are roaches in our basement (this is New York, after all) they're really not that bad. I mean, they're gross, but there aren't that many.
I like how the handles came out, though. I didn't sew them on yet. I also felted a square to make a pocket. I'm hoping that if I felt the bag enough I can just cut the top off and make the bag the length I want.
I got the Vogue Knitting Fall 2005 issue yesterday. There are a couple of cute felted bags in it. You should pick it up if you're interested in that sort of thing.
posted at 10:13 PM .
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